Incremental Weaving Receives 2017 Lafarge Holcim Awards Acknowledgement

Professor Adèle Naudé Santos and Debora Mesa receives 2017 Lafarge Holcim Awards Acknowledgement prize for Latin America: Award recognizes visionary solutions for sustainable design.
Professor and former Dean of the School of Architecture + Planning, Adèle Naudé Santos and research scientist Debora Mesa have been awarded an Acknowledgment prize for 2017 Lafarge Holcim Awards for Latin America. The regional jury reported an exceptionally well resolved project, citing “a richness of interpretation and a level of detail ripe for implementation”.
AT MIT, Santos and Mesa co-taught an architectural design workshop, A New Neighborhood: Cartagena, Colombia in which students from the department of architecture developed design proposals for an affordable housing neighborhood with integrated workspace. This workshop was part of a broader research collaboration with Fundación Mario Santo Domingo, that has been examining urban resilience for low-income housing. Santos will exhibit this work as part of the Norman B. Leventhal Center for Advanced Urbanism’s third biennial theme on affordable housing in 2018.
The LafargeHolcim Foundation is a non-profit organization supporting initiatives that combine sustainable construction with architectural excellence and enhanced quality of life. The competition is for projects at an advanced stage of design, not finished works. It seeks designs that go beyond current standards, showcase sustainable responses to technological, environmental, socioeconomic, and cultural issues affecting contemporary construction, and deliver new, surprising, and truly visionary solutions to the way we build.
The awards ceremony took place on October 5th 2017, in San José, Costa Rica.