SA+P graduate students tackle Equitable Resilience

In early fall 2021, graduate students from the School of Architecture and Planning, supported through the LCAU’s Summer Fellowship Program shared their research which explored Equitable Resilience as it relates to the Covid-19 pandemic. The cohort of graduate students shared research on a variety of topics from an examination of the pandemic’s impact on tenant protections and housing stability in the US, to privacy concerns around civic mapping in South Korea.
Social distancing as a privilege: Food, livelihoods and economic resilience in vulnerable urban communities
Binzhe Wang, PhD, Department of Urban Studies and Planning.
Advisor: Fabio Duarte, Principal research scientist, Senseable City Lab
Equitable Resilient Cities: Community-Enabled Risk Response and Climate Adaptation in Vulnerable Areas in Thailand and Indonesia
Colleen Chiu-Shee, PhD, Department of Urban Studies and Planning.
Advisors: Larry Vale, Ford Professor of Urban Design and Planning and Zach Lamb, Lecturer, Department of Urban Studies and Planning
Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste: Opportunities to Strengthen Tenant Protections & Housing Stability Post-Pandemic
Tanaya Srini, MCP, Department of Urban Studies and Planning.
Advisor: Justin Steil, Associate Professor of Law and Urban Planning, Department of Urban Studies and Planning
Civic mapping for the right to know versus privacy
Geunhee Lee, MCP, Department of Urban Studies and Planning.
Advisor: Sarah Williams, Associate Professor of Technology and Urban Planning, Department of Urban Studies and Planning.